Distributed Management Task Force, Inc.

DMTF enables more effective management of IT systems worldwide.


Message from the President: DMTF Celebrates 15 Years of Driving Industry Standards

By Winston Bumpus

DMTF celebrates its 15th anniversary today. Established in the early 90’s and incorporated in 1995, DMTF has established itself as the industry organization leading the development, validation and promotion of systems management standards.  The organization, which started with a small group of companies, is now comprised of more than 150 member companies, and more than 4,000 active participants spanning 43 countries.

DMTF enables more effective management of millions of IT systems worldwide by bringing industry leading companies together to collaborate on standards critical for management interoperability among multi-vendor systems, tools and solutions within the enterprise.  In the last 15 years, this collaboration has resulted in significant progress toward the development of an interoperable IT management ecosystem.  Beginning with the development of foundational standards like the Desktop Management Interface (DMI) and Alert Standard Format (ASF), DMTF has evolved into one of the foremost contributors to management standards. Some of DMTF’s many accomplishments include:

The work highlighted above represents only a fraction of DMTF’s achievements. In addition to leading the development of key management standards DMTF has served as an ambassador to the industry, forming alliances with other industry and academic organizations to help spread the adoption of DMTF standards.

The success of DMTF standards and initiatives is a direct result of its members. DMTF members have dedicated countless hours to supporting the organization’s goals and initiatives. Without their tireless efforts, none of these accomplishments would have been possible. Congratulations to everyone who has contributed to DMTF’s success these past 15 years. Here’s to another 15!