Distributed Management Task Force, Inc.

DMTF enables more effective management of IT systems worldwide.


DMTF’s OVF Standard a Hot Topic at VMworld 2010

With over 17,000 attendees, this year’s VMworld was a great opportunity to promote DMTF and its ongoing initiatives. In addition to consistent booth traffic, DMTF was able to acquire more than 300 membership leads and speak with a number of companies interested in becoming involved in DMTF. DMTF’s luggage tag booth giveaways were also quite popular.

Additionally, DMTF’s announcement of OVF’s adoption as a National Standard by ANSI was a significant topic of discussion throughout the show. The announcement was mentioned in the opening keynote, as well as in numerous conference sessions. The OVF ANSI Adoption was also featured in several VMworld media recaps and has been described as a key development announced at the show.  

Overall, VMworld was a great success for DMTF. Next year’s show will be held August 29 – September 1 in Las Vegas.